Leadership is too important to be left only to the superiors and managers

Based on research and practical experience we can say that it is proven that good leadership correlates with most beneficial factors in working life like good work well-being, low employee turnover, low sick leave, less early retirements, high productivity, and good profitability.

KivaQ has for two decades used our short KivaQ W questionnaire with only 7 standard questions (scale 1-10).

1: Have you enjoyed coming to work in the last weeks?

2: How meaningful do you regard your job?

3: How well do you feel in control of your work?

4: How well do you get on with your fellow-workers?

5: How well does your immediate superior perform as superior?

6: How certain are you that you will keep your job with this employer?

7: How much can you influence factors concerning your job?

We looked at all questionnaires in our reference material during 2013-first half of 2022. We currently have 26414 answers in this reference material.

When cross tabulating question 5 with question 4 we get a correlation.

Employees deeming their superior a good leader get on much better with their fellow-workers than those deeming their superior a bad leader.

Therefore, KivaQ has actively for two decades assisted organizations to increase their work wellbeing through joint participation. We think that also leadership should be developed together in each team with all members and the immediate superior attending. Having leadership education for only the leaders is not enough for implementing good leadership because the behavior of every individual in the team strongly affects the leadership.

KivaQ recommends: Enable joint development of leadership in every team throughout the organization not forgetting the management team.


The meaningfulness of your job improves linearly in direct proportion to your ability to influence factors concerning your job

In Finland there seems to be an important consensus around the individual worker´s ability to influence his/her own work. Most employees regard their job more meaningful if they can influence factors concerning their work. Job meaningfulness has positive effects on the employees´ work wellbeing, it prevents burnout and adds to the favourable pull factors to stay with their employer.

KivaQ has for two decades used our short KivaQ W questionnaire with only 7 standard questions.

1: Have you enjoyed coming to work in the last weeks?
2: How meaningful do you regard your job?
3: How well do you feel in control of your work?
4: How well do you get on with your fellow-workers?
5: How well does your immediate superior perform as superior?
6: How certain are you that you will keep your job with this employer?
7: How much can you influence factors concerning your job?

We looked at all questionnaires in our reference material during 2013-first half of 2022. We currently have 26414 answers in our reference material

The degree of meaningfulness increases linearly throughout the scale 1-10 when the possibility to influence factors concerning your job increases.
Therefore, KivaQ has actively for two decades assisted organizations to increase their work wellbeing and meaningfulness through joint participation. Implementing the creative and innovative KivaQ workshop results in concrete, custom-made, practical actions for improving wellbeing at work and a strong feeling of possibility to influence your job and work environment.
The top management´s task is to allocate resources to make it possible for employees and their immediate superior to work together to develop their own jobs.

KivaQ recommends: Even in bigger organization it is important to delegate the improvement of work wellbeing in the daily working life to the team level and to implement scientifically proved methods.

Improving leadership is always worth it even if you already are at a very good level

In Finland as in most other countries we have due to extensive research a consensus that good leadership is crucial in all organizations. Good leadership correlates with all positive benefits like productivity, profitability, lower sick leave, longer working life, work wellbeing, motivation etc. This list would be endless if everything is listed. Has anybody seen any negative features resulting from good leadership? Probably not. Would it be clever to direct more or maybe all resources on implementing methods that have both scientifically and in practice been proven to improve leadership and less on new research?

KivaQ has over two decades used our short KivaQ W questionnaire with only 7 standard questions.

1: Have you enjoyed coming to work in the last weeks?

2: How meaningful do you regard your job?

3: How well do you feel in control of your work?

4: How well do you get on with your fellow-workers?

5: How well does your immediate superior perform as superior?

6: How certain are you that you will keep your job with this employer?

7: How much can you influence factors concerning your job?

We looked at all questionnaires in our reference material during 2013-2022 with at this moment 26402 answers.

The perception of leadership correlates linearly with work wellbeing. Interesting is that the work wellbeing did not stop improving when you had reached a very good level (9 of 10). The linearity continued to the top of the scale 10.

KivaQ recommends: Engage the whole team in developing leadership together with the immediate superior to reach a possibly high average in question 5 (How well does your immediate superior perform as superior?).

Positiva långsiktiga effekter av utvecklingen av arbetsvälbefinnandet

En ny studie visar: Ålands hälso- och sjukvårds (ÅHS) projekt, som förverkligades med KivaQ-metoden, hade en positiv långsiktig inverkan (4 år) på arbetsvälbefinnandet.


Det görs många projekt för att utveckla arbetsvälbefinnandet, men mycket lite är känt om de långsiktiga effekterna.
På Åland har välfärdsområdet ÅHS fungerat redan sedan 1994. Området är litet och personalens antal är ca 1000 personer. Välkommen till ÅHS | Ålands hälso- och sjukvård. KivaQ Oy Ab är grundat 2002 och specialiserat på utveckling av arbetsvälbefinnandet KivaQ | Arbetsvälbefinnande | Expert på utveckling av arbetsvälbefinnande .
Med KivaQ-metoden (enkät och workshop) har goda resultat uppnåtts i bland annat Raseborgs stads FEELIT-projekt 2011-2013. Efter projektet 2015 svarade hela stadens personal på KivaQ W-enkäten. Utvecklingen av arbetsvälbefinnandet bland dem som deltog i workshopparna var klart bättre än bland de som inte deltagit (Figur 1).

Figur 1. Utvecklingen av Raseborgs stads personals arbetsvälbefinnande efter FEELIT-projektet.

ÅHS inledde 2017 ett projekt för att utveckla arbetsvälbefinnandet med hjälp av KivaQ-metoden. Vid ÅHS deltog 8 enheter i workshopverksamheten och övriga 39 enheter bildade en kontrollgrupp. Hela personalen svarade på en KivaQ W enkät om arbetsvälbefinnande innan projektet inleddes 2017, efter två år 2019 och efter fyra år 2021.

Interventionsenheternas arbetsvälbefinnande mätt med KivaQ W-indexet var 6,87 (skala 1-10) i början av projektet, vilket är signifikant lägre än kontrollenheternas 7,75. Efter två år hade interventionsenheternas välbefinnande förbättrats signifikant från den ursprungliga situationen till 7,52, och reultatet efter fyra år var på samma nivå 7,44. Det fanns ingen statistiskt signifikant förändring i kontrollgrupperna (Figur 2).

Figur 2. Utveckling av KivaQ W index


Figur 3 visar endast utgångsvärdet jämfört med det långsiktiga resultatet efter det fjärde året.

Figur 3. Jämförelse mellan interventionsenheter (8st) och kontrollenheter (39st). I figuren jämförs utgångsläget med det långsiktiga resultatet efter fyra år.

Hela rapporten kan laddas ner här Microsoft Word – TSR projektrapport – KivaQ långtidseffekter av ett arbetsvälbefinnandeprojekt i en kommunal hälsövårdsenhet 30.03.2022.docx

Detta projekt visar att positiva långsiktiga effekter av utvecklingen av arbetsvälbefinnandet kan uppnås med en metod, som strukturerat involverar personalen i både planering, genomförande och uppföljning, utvecklar arbetet konkret i enlighet med arbetsplatsens behov och där ledningen är synligt engagerad.
Om ni är intresserade av att förverkliga ett liknande projekt i samarbete med KivaQ så tag kontakt info@kivaq.fi