Are you a consultant and want to increase your sales? Do as Mirja and use KivaQ W

Who are you and what do you do?

Mirja Ulmanen, Training and Development Services Mirja Ulmanen Oy,

I provide training and development services to companies and work communities of all sizes. Work well-being is an important element in every coaching. I do not offer an off-the-shelf consulting package, but each coaching is tailored to each need and task at hand. The work community is a community, that is why my coaching usually includes a group. Also difficult issues arise and are discussed in a faciltated group, for example implementing new ways of working or poor personal chemistry. In a safe atmosphere, you can say things out loud, ask questions, burst, argue and also snort. I bring forward good things and also the bad things. It is important to really listen to people both in terms of well-being and unhappiness. Motto: “I always use the right amount of humor”

Why did you start using the KivaQ W work well-being questionnaire?

I participated in a survey for women entrepreneurs about 10 years ago. I liked the simplicity and how the review of the questionnaire result was done and how the employees themselves are involved in the development work. After all, they know the pitfalls of the everyday work in practice. The tool seemed suitable for my consulting business and I participated in the facilitator training organized by KivaQ Oy Ab.


What are the benefits for you as a consultant and for your customers?

As a consultant, I appreciate that I can carry out the survey together with the customer without a third party, the implementation itself is super-fast if necessary and the response rate has pleasantly surprised my customers. Likewise, the processing of results supports the company’s already ongoing development projects. With the help of the survey, I have also been able to get closer involved with the company and continue development work, for example Lean projects. I also get information about the effectiveness of my own work through the questionnaire.

The customer does not pay unnecessary fees and the questionnaire provides good numerical indicators for tracking and follow-up. It is easy for the customer to understand the short questionnaire because they won’t drown in unnecessary information. The questionnaire quickly reveals development needs. I have often created additional questions that are relevant to that particular company.


What would you recommend to other workplace development consultants?

Explore and test the questionnaire and the workshop. Participate in the training yourself. You get a good tool for your business without unnecessary licenses or contract fees. If needed, you can get expert support from KivaQ. You will have access to more than 30,000 responses from the reference material. The application’s fast cross-tabulation is a very good way to engage all staff.

Sabina’s LinkedIn Post (June 1, 2020)

Do you see the trees or the water?

A sunny day in March, enjoying my daily walk during the isolation with my 3-year-old, we came down to a lake, and I heard him say “look mom, you can´t see anything, there are so many trees in the way”. I realized that second that he actually repeated what I had said a few seconds earlier. It made me think. Why did I focus on the trees? There were obviously a lot of trees, but we could still see some beautiful blue water.
I believe this is rather common. People´s focus is drawn to the trees rather than the water. To the problems rather the solutions. To their own flaws rather than all the great potential. Antonovsky´s salutogenic approach stresses that health is not the same as absence of disease. He speaks about finding an energetic state and peace of mind as a way to handle the demands of life, and these are skills you can learn by practicing reflection. The same goes for wellbeing at work, a high level of wellbeing is not created solely by removing stressors.
Self and team reflection are some of the most important skills in future work-life. How aware are you of your own thinking and working models? To what extent are you limiting yourself with your beliefs and thoughts of what you can and cannot do?

See the original post HERE

KivaQ launches a Covid-19 questionnaire April 22, 2020

How to arrange the remote work after the Covid-19 pandemic?

KivaQ is launching a new tailor-made questionnaire due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
You, as the employer, will with this questionnaire obtain information about how your employees´ wellbeing at work is affected by the remote work. You will also obtain information of how the remote work as a work form could be developed in your organisation after the pandemic.

Do the questionnaire now! This will ensure that you are are prepared to make decisions about the extent of remote work after the Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition to the KivaQ W’s standard 7 questions about wellbeing at work, the Covid-19 questionnaire has 6 tailor-made questions focusing on remote work and its effects. The questions are developed by KivaQ’s experts.

The questionnaire will be sent only to the employees working remotely during the Covid-19 pandemic.
As many organisations are struggling financially during the pandemic, KivaQ will give a 50% discount for this questionnaire.

Contact us and let us know if you wish to order the questionnaire by yourself on the web, or as a consultancy assignment. You will also receive the discount code when contacting us.

Sabina Simola-Ström and Markus Näsman are happy to assist you.
For Europe and Americas please contact
Sabina: +358445596947,
For Asia and Australia please contact
Markus: +6282128-9129231,

Be a pioneer and prepare for the life after the pandemic!


Order the KivaQ W questionnaire and add the additional questions below.

Order here


These are the 6 additional questions.

8. Did you work remotely before the Covid-19 pandemic started?
1. No
2. Seldom
3. Weekly
4. Most of the time

9. Are you in need of ICT-training so you can manage your remote work better in the future?
1. Yes
2. No

10. How good has the ICT support been during the Covid-19 pandemic?
1. I do not need ICT support
2. I did not receive enough support
3. I got support most of the time when needed
4. I always got support when needed

11. If you could choose, how much would you like to work remotely after the Covid-19 pandemic?
1. Not at all
2. A few hours a week
3. 1 day a week
4. 2-3 days a week
5. 4 days a week
6. All work

12. How is your wellbeing at work right now when you are working remotely compared to the time before the Covid-19 pandemic?
1. A lot worse                                                                            10. Much better

13. Is there anything else you want to tell about the remote work during and after the Covid-19 pandemic?
(Open text. The answers help to plan future remote work.)


Personnel division criterias in the questionnaire:

Do you have children aged 0-16 years at home during the Covid-19 pandemic?
1. No
2. Children aged 0-6 years
3. Children aged 0-6 years and 7-16 years
4. Children aged 7-9 years
5. Children aged 7-9 years and 10-16 years
6. Children aged 10-16 years

(Do not use this criteria to divide the personnel if the respondents are too few and the anonymity will be at risk)

Organisational structure as in previous questionnaires. (no need if done for a team or a small organisation)


Sabina’s LinkedIn Post (March 20, 2020)

I want to share a reflection that came to me strongly after a workshop group I had a couple of weeks ago and was again confirmed last week in a different setting with another group. I think that great value is created when people share their thoughts, feelings and ideas with each-other.

Raise your head/sights (lyft din blick/nosta katseesi). You get so easily stuck in your own bubble, and your own needs. Challenge yourself, and raise your head, look at your colleague, and really truly listen for a moment. Can you see and hear what this specific matter means in his or her perspective? What is the value to him or her if this matter was decided to his/her benefit? How do you feel about the matter after listening? Are you still arguing for your perspective, or are you possibly ready to compromise in this matter? In many cases there are a lot of needs, experiences, feelings as fear or excitement. Also remember to express yourself, bring out the importance of this matter, how it affects your work for example.

So, the next time you are sitting in a meeting, be genuinely curious, ask questions and listen to your colleague. Why is this matter so important to her/him? What is the value? And imagine the feeling of contributing to someone. Isn´t that the best feeling?

The following KivaQ facilitator training in Helsinki 16.1.2020 (In Finnish)

16.01.2020 klo 08:30 – 16:00

Osoite: HENRYn toimisto, Keskuskatu 5 B, 8.krs, Helsinki
Järjestäjä: Henrietta Oy
Yhteistyössä: KivaQ Oy Ab

Tervetuloa Helsingissä järjestettävään KivaQ fasilitaattorikoulutukseen.

Haluatko edistää organisaatiosi tiimien työhyvinvointia tai muuten edistää terveellistä ja kestävää työhyvinvointia suomalaisilla työpaikoilla? Tämä koulutus on juuri sinulle!

KivaQ menetelmä on selkeä, maanläheinen työkalu ja saa koko henkilökunnan mukaan työhyvinvoinnin kehittämiseen. KivaQ fasilitaattorin roolia workshopin aikana voidaan kuvailla mahdollistajana, rooli joka luo edellytyksiä ja raameja, jotta työyhteisö saa tavata ja puhua omasta työhyvinvoinnistaan strukturoidulla tavalla. Fasilitaattori kuuntelee tarkasti ja ottaa jokaisen mahdollisuuden talteen tukea ryhmäreflektioita nykyisestä tilanteesta sekä mihin pyritään tulevaisuudessa.

KivaQ menetelmä toimii näin:

1. Mittaa työhyvinvointi! Keskustelkaa tuloksesta! Käytä ristiintaulukointia ja vertailuaineistoja (N=23,000)

2. Workshop, työhyvinvoinnin konkreettinen työskentelyvaihe alkaa. Yhdessä ideoidaan, priorisoidaan ja päätetään käytännön toimenpiteistä

3. Toimintasuunnitelma on laadittu. Jokaisen toimenpiteen vastuuhenkilö vastaa toteuttamisesta sovitussa aikataulussa

4. Seurannoissa, (2-3 kertaa 3-6 kk välein) keskustellaan toimenpiteiden toteutuksesta ja suunnitellaan toimenpiteitä seuraavalle kehittämiskohteelle.

Päivän ohjelma:

08.30 Aamukahvi
08.45 Koulutuksen avaus, esittäytyminen
09.15 Johdatus KivaQ-menetelmään. Case-esimerkkejä.
10.00 KivaQ W kysely
11.30 KivaQ kehittämisworkshop
12.00 Lounas
13.00 Kehittämiskohteiden ideointi
13.45 Kehittämiskohteiden priorisointi
14.45 Kahvitauko
15.00 Konkreettisten toimenpiteiden suunnittelu ja toimenpiteistä sopiminen
15.45 Keskustelu ja todistusten jako
16.00 Koulutus päättyy

Kouluttajina toimivat työterveyshuollon erikoislääkäri Ove Näsman ja kehityspsykologian maisteri Sabina Simola-Ström.

Ilmoittautumiset viimeistään 9.1.2020. 7.1.2020 jälkeen tulevat ilmoittautumiset ovat sitovia.

Koulutuksen hinta on HENRY ry:n jäsenille 300 €/henkilö + alv 24% (ei-jäsenet 450€/henkilö + alv. 24%). Koulutukseen otetaan mukaan enintään 14 osallistujaa ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä.

HENRYn jäsenyys kannattaa: Ellet vielä ole HENRYn jäsen, tutustu tästä miksi kannattaa liittyä HENRYn jäseneksi.

Lisätiedot:  044 5596947

Peruutusehdot: viimeinen peruutuspäivä on 6.1.2020 Sen jälkeen tulleista peruutuksista veloitamme 50% osallistumismaksusta. Voit ilmoittaa tilallesi toisen henkilön samasta yrityksestä ilman erillistä veloitusta.

Laskutus: Laskutamme osallistumismaksut 7.1.2019. Tarkistathan että olet antanut oikean laskutusosoitteen. Laskun korjauksesta veloitamme 20 eur + alv. 24% korjausmaksun.

Sanottu KivaQ menetelmästä prosessin loputtua:
’KivaQ workshop-prosessin hyöty kokonaisuudessaan on ollut, arvioni mukaan = 9,3 (1-10)
– Erittäin hyvä foorumi työyhteisön hyvinvointiin. Käydään läpi ”oikeita asioita” joista on oikeasti hyötyä!
– KivaQ:n pitkäkestoisuus ja osallistava toimintatapa on sitouttanut työyhteisömme tosi hyvin työhyvinvoinnin kehittämiseen ja ylläpitoon. Todella hyvä prosessi, etenkin jos työpakalla on ongelmia.”

Ilmoittautuminen alkaa: 01.10.2019
Ilmoittautuminen päättyy: 09.01.2020

Ilmoittaudu tapahtumaan

Sabina Simola-Ström
Ove Näsman

A recently published master´s thesis study confirms that the KivaQ E survey is a reliable tool for screening discrimination at the workplace

KivaQ E questionnaire is a survey developed by KivaQ and the survey is designed to tap into various aspects of perceived workplace discrimination. The questions demonstrate the different roles of workplace actors; top management, middle managers and employees.

According to multiple studies, perceived workplace discrimination is linked to many adverse effects in both mental and physical health as well as to impaired job attitudes (1). Furthermore, national studies in Finland have shown that experiences of discrimination and inequal treatment at work remain common in the Finnish workplaces (2,3). Despite the flourishing research on discrimination and its consequences, less research attention has been given to its measurement and there are no validated measures available for measuring the general level of perceived workplace equality and discrimination (4). Therefore, there is a clear need for functional measurement methods for workplace equality and discrimination. KivaQ E survey was created to answer to this particular need.

The validity of KivaQ E survey was evaluated in a master’s thesis study in psychology (5). The study examined the reliability and construct validity of the KivaQ E survey as a method for estimating perceived equality and possible presence of inappropriate treatment in organizations. This was done by examining the internal consistency and factorial structure of KivaQ E. The sample consisted of 854 responses. The results showed the internal consistency of KivaQ E was on an acceptable level (Cronbach’s alpha > .80), which means that the responses were rather closely related with each other. According to the factor analysis, all of the items measure relatively reliably the same underlying factor. The results conform to the idea that KivaQ E represents a rather unitary measure for perceived equality and discrimination at workplace. Besides the construct validity, the face validity of KivaQ E can be perceived as rather high, as all questions have to do with workplace discrimination/equality or closely related constructs. Thus, the underlying construct being measured is likely to be perceived workplace equality.

On the basis of the validation study, KivaQ E can be considered to be a viable screening instrument for possible problems in perceived equality in organizations.

The author is Eerika Heininen, Master in Psychology from Åbo Akademi University.

  1. Dhanani, L. Y., Beus, J. M. & Joseph, D. L. (2018). Workplace discrimination: A meta-analytic extension, critique and future research agenda. Personnel Psychology 71(2): 147–179.
  2. Larja, L., Warius, J., Sundbäck, L., Liebkind, K., Kandolin, I. & Jasinskaja-Lahti, I. (2012). Discrimination in the Finnish Labor Market: An Overview and a Field Experiment on Recruitment. Helsinki: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland.
  3. Pietiläinen, M., Keski-Petäjä M. (2014). Työsyrjinnän seuranta Suomessa. Helsinki: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland.
  4. Shen, W. & Dhanani, L. (2015). Measuring and defining discrimination. In Colella, A.J. & King, E.B. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Workplace Discrimination. New York, Oxford University Press.
  5. Heininen, E. (2019). Assessing workplace equality: Survey validation and factors affecting perceived workplace discrimination (Master’s thesis, Åbo Akademi University).