Price List

The price of the KivaQ E questionnaire consists of a basic fee and a respondent fee. The basic fee depends on the number of respondents and additional questions. The respondent fee depends on the total number of respondents. In Finland VAT 24% is added to the price.

Number of
9 basic
1-3 add.
4-9 add.
10-20 add.
<=50 66 € 132 € 209 € 297 € 6.60 €
51-250 121 € 187 € 264 € 352 € 5.50 €
251-500 506 € 572 € 649 € 737 € 3.96 €
501-1000 1111 € 1177 € 1254 € 1342 € 2.75 €
1001-2000 2211 € 2277 € 2354 € 2442 € 1.65 €
2001-10000 3311 € 3377 € 3454 € 3542 € 1.10  €
> 10000 8811 € 8877 € 8954 € 9042  € 0.55 €

Updated 04.03.2023

The total price of the questionnaire is counted with the formula: basic fee + respondent fee x number of respondents.

Example price 1.
The number of respondents is 65 and 3 additional questions
Price: Basic fee 187,00€ + respondent fee 5,50€ x 65
Total price: 544,50€

Example price 2.
The number of respondents is 350 and 5 additional questions
Price: Basic fee 649,00€ + respondent fee 3,96€ x 350
Total price 2035,00€

“I have collaborated with KivaQ for several years. There has been a positive impact on my work wellbeing knowing that the questionnaires are carried out professionally by experts according to agreed schedules and I have been able to focus on all my other tasks. I receive a complete analysis with suggested measures so that I can concentrate on the actions that should be taken based on the questionnaire analysis.”

HR-manager Agneta Wedenberg, City of Kristinestad



Number of respondents General link Unique resp. links
<=20 1900 € 2100 €
21 – 50 3250 € 3500 €
51 – 100 3900 € 4250 €
101 – 200 4900 € 5400 €
201 -300 5500 € 6050 €
301 – 400 6100 € 6700 €
401 – 500 6700 € 7350 €
> 500 Quotation Quotation

In Finland VAT 24% is added to the price and outside Finland as applicable tax rules.

When ordering your questionnaire as a consultancy assignment, then KivaQ will:

  • Initiate first meeting (1h) to plan questionnaire details and agree on procedures for next steps.
  • Address need and objectives for including up to 3 optional questions.
  • Construct the questionnaire on KivaQ’s exclusive propriety software.
  • Provide credentials to access questionnaire results to agreed contact person
  • Analyse: distribution of answers, cross tabulate and comparisons (branches, departments, and available previous KivaQ E questionnaires)
  • Give recommendations for concrete actions based on your survey results
  • Submit a report in .pdf and/or PowerPoint format based on the analysis.
  • Deliver a presentation of the results for customer’s management (2h) and personnel (1h)

Note: Travel cost excluded in all prices.

Do you want to order a KivaQ E questionnaire as a consultancy assignment? Use the form to contact us, we will contact you as soon as possible. You can also contact us directly, see contacts.

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