KivaQ Goes Global project

KivaQ’s Goes Global project is on its way, and our first study trip to the Netherlands was organized in May 2017. KivaQ introduced its services and products to various local actors in a workshop and in several meetings, organized together with our local partner Petra Wullings from TradeMill. We received valuable feedback to be used in further operations. We also gained important information on various work wellbeing actors and on the Dutch occupational health and safety system in general. The next phase is to find pilot organizations to test KivaQ’s products and target the marketing in the local market.


Workshop in Castricum on 12th of May.

What is Goes Global project?

EU - KivaQ Goes Global projectKivaQ has launched a new KivaQ-GoesGlobal -project with the support of the European Regional Development Fund. The aim of the project is to expand KivaQ’s business to external markets. The project will analyze the market situation in the target countries (Sweden, The Netherlands, United Kingdom), visit local fairs and search for local partners with the help of external experts. The results of the project will be applied when expanding the business to new target countries. The project will also develop a new KivaQ E (Equality) questionnaire to accompany the existing KivaQ W work wellbeing questionnaire.


leverage from EU - KivaQ Goes Global project

KivaQ Goes Global project has been granted funding from the Programme for Sustainable Growth and Jobs 2014-2020 – Finland’s structural funds’ programme (Priority axe no. 1). The planned duration of the project is 30.8.2016-31.8.2018. Further information is available on the Structural Fund Information Service.

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