KivaQ R&H standard questions

  1. How much do you work remotely?

    Ο Not at all because my job cannot be done remotely

    Ο Not at all because I prefer to work all the time at the workplace

    Ο I work on average 1-3 hours a week remotely

    Ο I work on average 4-7 hours a week remotely

    Ο I work on average 1-2 days a week remotely

    Ο I work on average 3-4 days a week remotely

    Ο I work all my working hours remotely

  2. If you could choose, how much would you work remotely?

    Ο Not at all because my job cannot be done remotely

    Ο Not at all because I prefer to work all the time at the workplace

    Ο On average 1-3 hours a week remotely

    Ο On average 4-7 hours a week remotely

    Ο On average 1-2 days a week remotely

    Ο On average 3-4 days a week remotely

    Ο All my working hours remotely

  3. Do you have all the technical equipment (hardware and software) and knowledge needed to work effectively remotely?

    Ο Yes

    Ο No

    Ο I do not work remotely at all

  4. If you answered “No” to question 3, what type of equipment or training would you need?
  5. Do you work with good ergonomics when you work remotely?

    Ο Always

    Ο Usually

    Ο No

    Ο I do not work remotely

  6. If there are deficiencies in ergonomics when working remotely, what should be improved?
  7. Is there anything else you would like to add regarding, for example, positive and negative aspects of remote and hybrid work?
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